
The Soul and The Body • Bomba Estereo

e s p a n o l // b e a u t i f u l // t r o p i c a l

Ever since I heard this song on a late Sunday night drive back up to LA, it's been stuck in my head. Although I'm far from understanding everything it means, I've at least got the title down. I kind of like the idea of being naïve the full message. In certain cases I like to pay a little less attention to the lyrics and get more in tune with the vibe of the song or at least how it makes me feel.

This song in particular (wow I didn't even mention what it was yet) Bomba Estéreo's 'El alama y el cuerpo', gives me a sense of hope, possibility and peace. Definitely something I could see my more talented (and flexible) friends do a yoga flow.